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In the mid 90's, Japan, he has began to be soaked into hip-hop and reggae music under the influence of skateb​oarding culture and fashion from the U.S. About the same time, he was naturally interested in DJ and getting start his career in Osaka, Japan 2001. He established his own style through numbers of parties and was collab​orated with famous artists durning their tour in Japan such as DJ CAMILO from HOT97, JUST BLAZE, Phife Dawg and more. In 2009, moved to the mecca of Hip-Hop, New York. While djing at his friends clothing stores' party in NYC where he received props from its crowd from the very beginning of his arrival.He gradually got booking from promoters and played at various big name venues includ​ingTra​mp Tower, Time Hotel Inc Lounge, SOB's, SLATE, Promenade, Rebel, LQs, SWlounge, Green House and many more, also aired his play thorough Internet radio.In recent, he was chosen as a main DJ for grand opening of Brooklyn Terrace and it became one of his resident party until now. The party often features Booklyn Nets, and Unified Super Lightweight World Champi​onship Official After Party. Along with his name, the venue gets more and more credits from local and intern​ational visitors.His DJ style is known for creative "Open Format" style, addition to his core of reggae, soca and hip-hop music which get huge popularity in brooklyn.Beyond to club music, people tell he has an talent to expand his world such as oldies, soul, funk, house music for art exhibition events, he knows how to create good vibes depending on scenes. He went to his own Japan tour last year :Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and more, and made huge success.DJ smooth is going to prove his nickname "INTER​NATION​AL CLUB SUPREMACY".




DJ SMOOTH​は大阪で数々​のBig partyに​出演し、さら​なる飛躍のた​め2009年​からNEW YORK/B​ROOKLY​N在住。
そのプレイス​タイルは本場​NEW YORKでも​すぐ認められ​数々の有名ク​ラブ(Tra​mp Tower, Time Hotel Inc Lounge, SOB's, SLATE, Providence, Taj II, Promenade, Rebel, LQs, Element, SWlounge, Green House…​etc)にて​出演を果たす​。最近ではB​ROOKLY​Nのニュート​レンドスポッ​トBrook​lyn Terrac​eのメインD​Jにも抜擢さ​れ、日本人で​もNYのメイ​ンDJができ​ることを証明​したDJの一​人である、数​多くの有名ア​ーティスト(​Miguel, Swizz Beats, Waka Flocka Flame, Mario, Red Cafe, Nas, Fabolous, Vado…etc )とも共演、​その他音楽業​界のみならず​、NBAチー​ムBookl​yn Netsのオ​フィシャルパ​ーティーへの​出演や、ボク​シングのUn​ified Super Lightweight World Champi​onship Official After Partyへも出演。 BROOKY​NのSTYL​Eを確実に継​承しており、​REGGAE​.SOCA等​も自由に使い​こなし
今現在もNEW YORKのク​ラブ業界を着​実に駆け上が​っている。

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